Living a sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous to your health. The less sitting or lying down you do during the day, the better your chances for living a healthy life.
Did you know that there are specializations in physical therapy just like medicine?
The most common question I get from patients that I have seen over the past 24+ years is “What can be done to help me heal faster from my injury?”
Traveling is an awesome privilege to experience throughout our lifetime. Many people may use this as a convenient excuse to stop exercising. However, if you want to keep in shape while traveling, it’s completely doable.
Here we are now more than 2 years into the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Learn all about one of our Physical Therapists' favorite tools: Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR).
Aquatic therapy has many benefits that you can’t get with exercise on land.
This quick post provides some resources for people with disabilities who are applying for jobs and college.
“Sit in a dark and quiet room for a week… no screen time… you just have to wait it out."
For a long time, common wisdom has been that heavy weights build strength.