
How Can Light Exposure Affect Your Day Today?

Think of that warm, soft feeling of sunlight hitting your face after a long day in the office. It’s rejuvenating, particularly in early spring. There are so many ways in which light, from the sun or other sources, can directly impact our health positively and negatively. 

Morning Sunlight


There are physiological reasons for why viewing morning sunlight creates a positive start to your day. Even through cloud cover, viewing sunlight can help regulate your body’s sleep schedule. Your immune system, metabolism and focus are all stimulated through an increase in early cortisol release with viewing sunlight as soon as possible after waking up. Mood, energy and dopamine release are all improved as well.

Recent recommendations are to view sunshine for 5-10 minutes (15-20 minutes if cloudy) for these positive effects. Avoid viewing it through a window or sunglasses as this filters out some of the beneficial wave lengths, but please, don’t stare directly at the sun. If your schedule allows, hit this daily goal while going for a walk or eating breakfast to get your day started. If sunlight isn’t a realistic option with your schedule, do your best to surround yourself with bright lights in the morning and early afternoon to maximize your alertness and focus.


Additionally, sunlight on your skin (while wearing sunscreen, please) has been shown to improve hormones such as testosterone and estrogen, which are needed for many health functions.


Winding Down for the Day


As you may know, light has negative health effects as well when it comes to timing. Avoid the brighter lights and use night mode for your devices in the evening to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep. It has been shown that dopamine can decrease and therefore negatively impact your mood if you are regularly exposed to artificial light closer to bedtime. Not to mention that it may also take you longer to fall asleep due to your brain not releasing as much melatonin as it would otherwise! If you’re healing from an injury or recent surgery, better sleep can lead to an improved recovery and a likely smoother PT journey!\



Changing your daily habits, particularly when it comes to screen use, can be more challenging than you think. My challenge to you this week is to (1) get some sunshine for at least 5 minutes every morning and (2) aim to put your phone down an hour before bed. See what changes!



– Kristin Engelhard PT, DPT

If this information sparks your interest, check out this podcast to dive deep into some recent discussion -

Posted by isabellesiegrist at 5/22/2023 9:00:00 AM
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